Koh Tee Huat

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Breakthrough-Modern Dance & IBEX

Congratulations to the Modern Dance for their Breakthrough in SYF 2009. In the other light, I believe All students in all CCAs work hard in their own ways in making their CCAs GREAT. Some students in some CCAs cried/were disappointed when they obtained Silver or lost in tournaments. It is part and parcel of LIFE about winning & losing. Important is that we & the students have put in 100% EFFORT in the process and we enjoy/learn in the process. Chinese sayings go: " There are always higher mountains." to tell us there are always opponents better than us & "When the green mountains are still there, need not worry there are no wood to use." to tell us if we lose this time, as long as we are persistent, willing to continue to work hard & determined, we can compete and may win next time. Never, never, never give up.

Wish to add that a Breakthrough for my sports day house, IBEX, this year too for being the CHAMPION for Sports Day, I think it is the 1st time for IBEX to be champion in Kranji History. Nothing is impossible, right? It is about ATTITUDES & STRATEGIES. It is whether who have BETTER & STRONGER ATTITUDES (attitudes include willpower & other things) & STRATEGIES (strategies include hard work & other things).

More Breakthrough on the way for Kranji, right?

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