Koh Tee Huat

Monday, January 05, 2009

Toward Success We Go

During class discussion on the first day of school (2/1/09), for my form class, it was great the class participated in the class activities and the students built on ideas from one another on the class motto/taglines, which finally were constructed as follow:

1) TOWARD SUCCESS WE GO (The Direction)
2) LISTEN MORE + ASK MORE + DO MORE = LEARN MORE (The How to succeed in study)

Today (5/1/09), 3 hardworking girls volunteered themselves and stayed back after school to create the posters of the class motto/taglines. The posters are now displayed in the classroom.

I am really happy that they help and work hard. In life, it is always good to help and work hard. For the short term, it may be troublesome, tedious and 'very inconvenient' (as some like to put it). In the long term, the helpers/hardworking ones will benefit in special way. There is a saying: "Give The World The Best You Have & The Best Will Come Back To You." Wish to see more helpers/hardworking ones in future.

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