Koh Tee Huat

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

About Maths Target Setting

Hi folks , Just some sharing of ideas. I get my 1A & 1C classes to set STRETCH goal (high target), meaning all to indicate a number >=80 for 1A and >=90 for 1C (Maths A* class). I told them that the purpose of the target is to put a number HIGH enough for them to feel EXCITED about, always reminded themselves of and WORK towards to. Even though reaching a target is important, eventually, if they fall short, at least they have raised their standard, or better still, near there, which is still A1 or A2 (From the quote: Aim for the Moon; if you fall short, you are still among the Stars). Ex-Sec 4 classes have shown that they gave high distinction percentage in Maths.

Maths is a subject where getting 100marks is POSSIBLE (all agree, right? ). A student of 2C is a very good example. She had a 'B' in Maths for PSLE. She gained her Confidence last year in 1C (I gave alot of motivational talks to them last year), work hard and smart, obtained FULL MARK in one of the common test last year and FULL MARK again for maths CT1 this year.

This will work for students who are COMMITTED to get EXCELLENT results, and they will MOTIVATE and INFLUENCE others along the way.

Reflection as a House Master

As IBEX House Master this year, I have learnt, grown and gained valuable experiences along the way. As house master, I am ‘stretched’ to stand in front of big group of students to talk, organise and motivate them. I also learnt to liaise with colleagues to do different tasks.

I feel heartening when some graduating students volunteered to be IBEX cheer leaders in leading cheers and staying back after school to do accessories for the House.

Competition is a process to gain learning experiences. I mentioned to IBEX students during the very first briefing that whoever take their courage to ‘stretch’ themselves and step out of their comfort zone to participate, they will be given a opportunity to run. So I put in all names in the participant lists in various events. For me personally, participation is more important than winning in the school sport meet (different story for inter-school tournaments; best players will be chosen then).

Strategy of Winning to share with future House Masters: Choose students who are in Sports and Games(S&G) CCA. They are physical fit, have faster speed and more endurance. However, this will take away chances for other students who are interested but not as fit physically. So, the question comes back to : Are we aiming for more students’ Paricipation or Winning? For me, I aim for Participation as the S&G students already have other opportunities to be in competitions and tournaments. So, I gave opportunities to non-S&G students to have a taste of physical competition and tournament.

Lastly, once again, Special thanks to IBEX teachers and the IBEX cheer leaders and all IBEX members for your support.

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